Cheryl - Call My Name

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Cheryl - Call My Name
« poslato: 19:35:34, 07.Dec.2012. »
Cheryl - Call My Name

How'd you think I feel when you call my name
You got me confused by the way I've changed
How'd you think I feel when you call my name
My name, say my name baby

It's the love you save for the way I know we’ve been apart
It's an endless circle of poison arrow to my heart

Sayin’ I, I love what you do to me, need you to stay with me
I, I love you too much to let go

How'd you think I feel when you call my name
You got me confused by the way I've changed
How'd you think I feel when you call my name
My name, say my name baby

It's a constant thought of my baby taking up my time
It's a non-stop vision of you that's playing on my mind

Sayin’ I, I love what you do to me, need you to stay with me
I, I love you too much to let go

How'd you think I feel when you call my name
You got me confused by the way I've changed
How'd you think I feel when you call my name
My name, say my name baby

When you call my name [x2]
Say my name baby
When you call my name [x2]
Say my name baby



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