Ako je vaš domen ili IP na crnoj listi bilo kog provajdera, potrebno je da im pošaljete zahtev za skidanje sa crne liste.
Evo nekoliko osnovnih koraka koje bi trebalo da slede za whitelisting / de - listing procedure kad je ISP u pitanju:
1) Trebalo bi da koriste online formular.
i / ili
2) Trebalo bi da pošaljete email na odgovarajuću mail adresu.
Follow this URL: www.comcastsupport.com/rbl
Fill out the online form & submit.
Follow this URL: http://postmaster.cox.net/confluence/display/postmaster/Error+Codes
On the page, search the listed error codes to match the one you received when you were blacklisted. Click the URL suggested to get to the appropriate online form. Then submit.
Send an email to: blockedbyearthlink@abuse.earthlink.net
Use the subject line <Blocked 'insert your email server's IP'> (example: Blocked
More details are given on these pages:
Read Gmail's Bulk Senders Guidelines here: http://www.google.com/mail/help/bulk_mail.html
Then follow this URL for the Bulk Sender Contact Form: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/request.py?contact_type=bulk_send&hl=en
Fill out & submit.
Follow this URL: https://support.msn.com/eform.aspx?productKey=edfsmsbl&ct=eformts
Fill out the online form & submit.
AT&T/SBC Global/Bellsouth:
Follow this URL: http://rbl.att.net/cgi-bin/rbl/block_admin.cgi
Fill out the online form & submit.
For questions related to a request, please contact them at: abuse@rbl@abuse-att.net
Juno/NetZero/Bluelight (United Online):
Follow this URL: http://www.unitedonline.net/postmaster/blocked.html
Fill out the online form & submit.
Follow this URL: http://security.rr.com/mail_blocks.htm
Follow this URL to find whether your IP is blacklisted: http://security.rr.com/cgi-bin/block-lookup
Follow this URL to find whether your IP is blacklisted: http://postmaster.usa.net/html/error.html
Follow this URL: http://www2.verizon.net/micro/whitelist/request_form.asp?id=isp
Fill out the online form & submit.
Follow this URL: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/postmaster/bulkv2.html
Fill out the online form & submit.
Follow this URL for the Google page translator tool: http://translate.google.com
Check "Translate from Russian" and "Translate to English"
Enter this link in the form: mail.ru/notspam/ Then and hit Enter or Return.
Read and follow the directions on the newly translated page.
If you have been blacklisted, visit AOL Postmaster
You will need to open a Postmaster Support Request to put yourself on AOL's whitelist
(*The AOL whitelist is meant for permission-based bulk senders. Bear in mind that if you are on their blacklist, you may have done something to violate their technical guidelines or best practices)
You can also apply for Whitelist Status immediately.
Follow this URL to find whether your IP is blacklisted:
Fill out the online box and follow the links.
Follow this URL to find whether your IP is blacklisted: http://www.barracudacentral.org/lookups
Then follow this URL: http://www.barracudacentral.org/rbl/removal-request Fill out the online form & submit
Follow this URL to find whether your IP is blacklisted: http://www.spamhaus.org/lookup.lasso
Fill out the online form, submit and follow appropriate links.
Follow this URL to find whether your IP is blacklisted: http://george.surbl.org/lookup.html
Fill out the online form & submit.
Follow this URL to find whether your IP is blacklisted: http://dnsbl.invaluement.com/lookup/
Fill out the online form & submit.
DNSBL Manitu:
Follow this URL to find whether your IP is blacklisted: http://www.dnsbl.manitu.net/
Fill out the online form & submit. You can also send an email to the link provided.
Follow this URL to find whether your IP is blacklisted: http://lookup.uribl.com/
Hostkarma blacklist:
http://ipadmin.junkemailfilter.com/remove.php Fill out the online form & submit.
http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/298.html For network and server administers.
http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/405.html For bounce message recipients and end-users.
http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml Blacklist IP look-up